2024 November Gratitude Series

November Gratitude 2024 Series
November 3, 2024 An Attitude of Gratitude
Here is a PDF of the Process Questions for An Attitude of Gratitude!
November 10, 2024 A Grateful Heart
Here is a PDF of the Process Questions for A Grateful Heart!
Here is a PDF of the Melody Beattie Poem “Gratitude”!
November 17, 2024 Grateful to Receive
Here is a PDF of the Process Questions for Grateful to Receive!
November 24, 2024 Oh So Grateful – Community Gratitude Stories
Here is a PDF of the Process Questions for Oh So Grateful

Use the links below to watch only portions of any of the published services.

An Attitude of Gratitude Join us this week for a journey of the soul with a message on “An Attitude of Gratitude,” learning a deep, intentional practice, a shift in perspective that aligns us with the flow of peace, joy, and abundance.
An Attitude of Gratitude – Today’s message is “An Attitude of Gratitude.” Listen as Rev. Larrye-Marie Heyl, spiritual leader of Center for Spiritual Living Southeast Louisiana, reminds you to cultivate the habit of being grateful by embracing an attitude of gratitude, seeing every moment as a gift and a blessing, and living in the Divine flow. She invites you to graciously accept all that shows up in our life, knowing it is a lesson or a way to look deeper within ourselves for the truth.
As Ernest Holmes wrote in the Science of Mind:
“In everything, give thanks. An attitude of gratitude is most salutary, and bespeaks the realization that we are now in heaven.”
Enjoy the music of Gary Lynn Floyd, Karen Drucker, and of our own CSL Southeast Louisiana music team.
If you want to watch only a portion of the service, use these related links:
An Attitude of Gratitude– “No Frills” Service – The service starts at the opening welcome, no announcements, with a message on: An Attitude of Gratitude, which focuses on knowing there is always something for which we can be grateful.
An Attitude of Gratitude–Meditation – Join Rev. Larrye-Marie Heyl and the CSL music team as they move you into a time of listening to your own heart so as to discover how good and holy life can be so you can embrace an attitude of gratitude. Recognize that gratitude shifts how we see our lives. The CSL music team sings “All Good, All Good, Wholly Holy” as you settle into a place of knowing that there is love, peace, and joy if we just choose to believe all is good.
An Attitude of Gratitude– Reading Listen as Robyn Vie-Carpenter-Brisco reads the November 6th excerpt from A Joyous Abundance Journal- 366 Days of Inspiration by Christian Sørensen and Petra Weldes entitled The Single Thing That Guarantees Success. The reading tells us the secret is: “the attitude of gratitude, the expression of appreciation, the ability to give thanks throughout one’s day and interactions.”
An Attitude of Gratitude– Message Only – Listen as Rev. Larrye-Marie Heyl, spiritual leader of Center for Spiritual Living Southeast Louisiana provides a message on “An Attitude of Gratitude,” which truly is a matter of our own consciousness – about you and how you see the world. Life is both an outer and an inner journey. Learn to walk to the heart of life and know God is who we are AND there is always something for which we can be grateful. John O’Donohue in “For Presence” tells us: “Awaken to the mystery of being here and enter the quiet immensity of your own presence.”
Imagine what your life and the world might look like if each of us entered the quiet immensity of our own presence and lived each day filled with gratitude.

A Grateful Heart Join us this week for a journey of the soul with a message on “A Grateful Heart,” learning a deep, intentional practice, a shift in perspective that aligns us with the flow of peace, joy, and abundance.
A Grateful Heart – Today’s message is “A Grateful Heart.” – how we can learn to live with a grateful heart no matter what is happening in your world. Rev. Larrye-Marie Heyl invites you to adjust your perspective to gratitude, take action and refuse to quit around your challenges, knowing you are capable and resilient. She also invites you to develop habits to increase your ability to live with a grateful heart. Rev. Larrye-Marie reminds you that what you appreciate, appreciates. She encourages you to keep a gratitude journal, to create a support system, and to take good care of yourself. As Mesiter Eckhart reminded us:
“If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is thank you, it will be enough.”
Enjoy the music of our own CSL Southeast Louisiana music team.
If you want to watch only a portion of the service, use these related links:
A Grateful Heart– “No Frills” Service – The service starts at the opening welcome, no announcements, with a message on: A Grateful Heart, which focuses on adjusting your perspective to gratitude.
A Grateful Heart–Meditation – Join Rev. Larrye-Marie Heyl and the CSL music team as they move you into a time of listening to your own heart so as to discover God in everything and embrace A Grateful Heart. Recognize that gratitude shifts how we see our lives. The CSL music team sings “Right Where I Am” as you settle into a place of knowing living with a grateful heart is so much easier to do, amidst whatever challenges and disappointments we might be facing, when we recognize that right where we are, God is.
A Grateful Heart– Reading Listen to Nancy Wertz as she reads the poem: “Gratitude” by Melody Beattie. The poem reminds us of the many reasons we have to be grateful and the impact that gratitude can have in our lives. As Melody tells us:
“Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow.”
Here is a PDF of the Melody Beattie Poem “Gratitude”!
A Grateful Heart– Message Only – Listen as Rev. Larrye-Marie Heyl, spiritual leader of Center for Spiritual Living Southeast Louisiana provides a message on “A Grateful Heart,” – a message on how to live with a grateful heart no matter what is happening in your world. Rev. Larrye-Marie Heyl invites you to give everyone the benefit of the doubt, prioritize your adversities, and keep a gratitude journal and develop other habits which increase your ability to live with a grateful heart and remind you of all the wonderful things in your life. She invites you to find the lessons in difficulties and to embrace your own resilience and capability. Ernest Holmes, in This Thing Called You, wrote:
“When a problem confronts you, take it into the silence of your consciousness. Instead of thinking of the problem, think of the answer. God does not have problems, therefore, the Divine Mind is the answer to every human problem. Principles never have problems. Problems are solved by bringing them under the control of principles. The problem is dissolved as the principle flows through it to the correct answer.”
Imagine what your life and the world might look like if you lived everyday with a grateful heart!

Grateful to Receive Join us this week for a journey of the soul with a message on “Grateful to Receive,” learning a deep, intentional practice, a shift in perspective that aligns us with the flow of peace, joy, and abundance.
Grateful to Receive – Today’s message is “Grateful to Receive.” – how we can learn to live being Grateful to Receive. Rev. Larrye-Marie Heyl invites you to graciously receive what others give, to open yourself to the abundance of the universe, and to recognize your inherent worthiness to live in love, peace, and joy. She also invites you to know that receiving is not taking or being selfish, just as giving is not about sacrifice. Rev. Larrye-Marie reminds you that the Law of Circulation is always acting on us and, when we fail to receive, we block the Divine flow of love. As Brene Brown reminds us:
“Until we can receive with an open heart, we are never really giving with an open heart.”
Enjoy the music of Gary Lynn Floyd and of our own CSL Southeast Louisiana music team.
If you want to watch only a portion of the service, use these related links:
Grateful to Receive– “No Frills” Service – The service starts at the opening welcome, no announcements, with a message on: Grateful to Receive, which focuses on learning to embrace the law of circulation.
Grateful to Receive–Meditation – Join Rev. Larrye-Marie Heyl and Gary Lynn Floyd as they move you into a time of listening to your own heart so as to discover God in everything and embrace being Grateful to Receive. Recognize that receiving opens us to kindness, gifts, and even forgiveness, allowing divine love to circulate through us. Gary sings “Behold” as you settle into a place of knowing being Grateful to Receive is so much easier to do when we know the Kingdom of God is right within us.
Grateful to Receive– Reading Listen as Robyn Vie-Carpenter-Brisco reads about The Law of Circulation and Abundance Awareness from Science of Mind Magazine. This reading invites us to remember nothing can come between us and the fullest expression of our lives.
Grateful to Receive– Message Only – Listen as Rev. Larrye-Marie Heyl, spiritual leader of Center for Spiritual Living Southeast Louisiana provides a message on “Grateful to Receive.” Rev. Larrye-Marie Heyl invites you to fully embrace the law of circulation and know your own worthiness to receive so that life can be filled with peace, love, and joy. She reminds you when you fail to graciously receive, you block the flow of abundance into your life. As Ernest Holmes wrote:
“When the law of circulation is retarded, stagnation results. It is only when we allow the Divine current to flow through us, in and out, we really express life. The law of giving and receiving is definite.”
Imagine what your life and the world might look like if everyone learned to be Grateful to Receive!

Oh So Grateful! Join us this week and learn more about Giving Thanks through gratitude. Listen as people share those things for which they are grateful and how it impacts their life for the better.
Oh So Grateful! – Today’s message is “Oh So Grateful!.” – focusing on giving thanks. Listen as Rev. Larrye-Marie Heyl, spiritual leader of Center for Spiritual Living Southeast Louisiana, and members of the Baton Rouge community as well as Rev. Larry King and Rev. Catherine Bonin provide a message which focuses on the power of giving thanks for what we have. They describe the various things for which they are grateful in their lives and the impact gratitude has on living with joy.
Dr. Michael Beckwith, in Day 24 of his book 40 Day Mind Fast Soul Feast, wrote:
”Gratitude is where freedom and destiny meet, because gratitude is a divine doorway to the fulfillment of destiny. When you consciously choose to express thanksgiving, this sets causation into motion to manifest your destiny of Wholeness in every expression of life.”< /em>
Let us each remember to count our many blessings each day and live with an attitude of gratitude!
Imagine life if everyone realized how to truly be grateful for what they already have.
Enjoy the music of Gary Lynn Floyd and our own CSL Southeast Louisiana music team.
If you want to watch only a portion of the service, use these related links:
Oh So Grateful!– “No Frills” Service – The service starts at the opening welcome, no announcements, with a message on: Oh So Grateful!, which focuses on learning more about the power of giving thanks and how to use it to live with a constant attitude of gratitude.
Oh So Grateful!–Meditation – Join Rev. Larrye-Marie Heyl and the CSL music team as they lead you through a meditation in which you give thanks for the many blessings in your life. As the CSL SE LA music team sings Tender Yes, you are encouraged to move through opening your heart, drawing into your own mind the many blessings you currently have in your life and being grateful for them..
Oh So Grateful!– Reading Listen as Nicole Palmour as she reads a poem entitled Thanksgiving by Eric Butterworth from his book “Spiritual Economics.”.
Oh So Grateful!– Message Only – Listen as Rev. Larrye-Marie Heyl, spiritual leader of Center for Spiritual Living Southeast Louisiana provides a message on “Oh So Grateful!.” Rev. Larrye-Marie Heyl and members of the Baton Rouge community and Rev. Larry King and Rev. Catherine Bonin express thanks for many things in their lives. Ernest Holmes, in The Power of an Idea, encouraged us to be grateful:
“Gratitude is not only a virtue but it also is part of a practical philosophy of daily life. There is no wiser way of living than to remember every morning what Life has given us, and to lift up our thought in thankfulness for every bounty we possess.”
Imagine what might happen in our world if we remembered to be grateful each and every day and spread that gratitude throughout our day.